Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the convo

sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:04:03 PM): AJ
skullsquisher21 (8:04:07 PM): lucio
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:04:12 PM): nigerian
skullsquisher21 (8:04:15 PM): humans are a plague to this earth
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:04:26 PM): whoa sorry zach kahn.dave parries
skullsquisher21 (8:04:41 PM): every other mammal to ever exist finds an equilibrium with nature
skullsquisher21 (8:04:49 PM): and can coincide with it peacefully
skullsquisher21 (8:04:53 PM): humans on the other hand
skullsquisher21 (8:04:58 PM): find an area
skullsquisher21 (8:05:05 PM): destroy nature and deplete resources
skullsquisher21 (8:05:09 PM): reproduce
skullsquisher21 (8:05:13 PM): and move on to a new area
skullsquisher21 (8:05:19 PM): humans are like a virus to this earth
skullsquisher21 (8:05:26 PM): and will inevitably cause the end of it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:05:34 PM): ...ur high again arent you?
skullsquisher21 (8:05:37 PM): no
skullsquisher21 (8:05:40 PM): im in a thinking mood
skullsquisher21 (8:05:51 PM): i feel very philosophical at the moment
skullsquisher21 (8:05:56 PM): what is reality
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:05:59 PM): mhmm, using your old "inspiration" huh
skullsquisher21 (8:06:02 PM): we define it by our own standards
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:06:06 PM): mhmm
skullsquisher21 (8:06:10 PM): there is no reality
skullsquisher21 (8:06:19 PM): we could be a dream of someone elses reality
skullsquisher21 (8:06:23 PM): and when that person wakes up
skullsquisher21 (8:06:27 PM): we will no longer exist
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:06:38 PM): thats whats called perception and ignorance
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:06:41 PM): ignorance is bliss
skullsquisher21 (8:06:50 PM): maybe for some people
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:06:56 PM): a person is smart, a person can handle such knowledge
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:07:09 PM): people, on the other hand, are dumb and panicky
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:07:19 PM): and would reduce to mere apeshit
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:07:34 PM): if such an idea were to be unleashed to them
skullsquisher21 (8:07:40 PM): i dont like the fact of living in ignorance
skullsquisher21 (8:07:57 PM): there must be something more to life than this
skullsquisher21 (8:08:00 PM): if this even is life
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:08:01 PM): neither do i
skullsquisher21 (8:08:10 PM): why are we here
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:08:13 PM): life is what you make of it
skullsquisher21 (8:08:17 PM): merely by biological evolution
skullsquisher21 (8:08:22 PM): or is there a real reason
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:08:23 PM): what you percieve becomes ur reality
skullsquisher21 (8:08:29 PM): exactly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:09:04 PM): *lowers glasses with no lenses to look smart* mmm yes
skullsquisher21 (8:09:37 PM): what do u perceive
skullsquisher21 (8:09:44 PM): do you believe all of this is real
skullsquisher21 (8:09:52 PM): or just a part of someone elses imagination
skullsquisher21 (8:10:05 PM): everything we base our lives upon
skullsquisher21 (8:10:08 PM): was developed by us
skullsquisher21 (8:10:17 PM): taste sense touch smell sight
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:10:18 PM): most likely this isnt true reality
skullsquisher21 (8:10:26 PM): everything is based upon electrical impulses
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:10:32 PM): there are no boundaries to the universe as we know it
skullsquisher21 (8:10:33 PM): we are like machiens
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:10:38 PM): so why should our own lives be bound
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:10:42 PM): yea
skullsquisher21 (8:10:49 PM): if we are like machiens
skullsquisher21 (8:10:55 PM): what were we programmed for
skullsquisher21 (8:10:59 PM): what is our purpose
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:11 PM): that my frend
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:17 PM): is the 64$ question
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:24 PM): everyone wants the answer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:34 PM): but no one knows how to go about finding it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:39 PM): those who do not seek it
skullsquisher21 (8:11:40 PM): most people think about it maybe once and completely block it from there mind
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:44 PM): inadvertently find it
skullsquisher21 (8:11:49 PM): and continue living in the ignorance that surrounds us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:52 PM): and then block it out
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:11:56 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:12:05 PM): why are humans so ignorant
skullsquisher21 (8:12:12 PM): we probably could in fact find some of this out
skullsquisher21 (8:12:16 PM): but we choose not to
skullsquisher21 (8:12:18 PM): we are lazy
skullsquisher21 (8:12:24 PM): and continue living the way we do
skullsquisher21 (8:12:27 PM): by perception
skullsquisher21 (8:12:29 PM): belief
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:12:38 PM): because beleif is all we have
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:13:08 PM): ignorance is easier than actually thinking about it all, because then we cause ourselves unsurity
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:13:16 PM): if thats a word but u know what i mean
skullsquisher21 (8:13:21 PM): yea
skullsquisher21 (8:13:37 PM): are are we so uncomfortable with not being sure
skullsquisher21 (8:13:42 PM): whats so bad about it
skullsquisher21 (8:13:48 PM): about questioning life and purpose
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:13:57 PM): because it cmplicates our lives
skullsquisher21 (8:14:03 PM): getting answers to questions every single person asks themselves
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:14:04 PM): which brings us back to people are lazy
skullsquisher21 (8:14:16 PM): everyone asks it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:14:17 PM): people are dumb, panicky. simple
skullsquisher21 (8:14:21 PM): yet no one pursues the answer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:14:34 PM): dislike conflict, try to make the world all kittens and friggin moonbeams
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:14:55 PM): when one person tries to contest that, to try and figure it out
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:14:58 PM): hes shot down in fear
skullsquisher21 (8:15:02 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:15:05 PM): punished
skullsquisher21 (8:15:07 PM): in some way
skullsquisher21 (8:15:13 PM): and forced to give up hi/her belief
skullsquisher21 (8:15:15 PM): his*
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:15:18 PM): yea
skullsquisher21 (8:15:29 PM): what makes us bring down that one person
skullsquisher21 (8:15:33 PM): is there some higher being
skullsquisher21 (8:15:37 PM): that is controlling our lives
skullsquisher21 (8:15:43 PM): is there really such a thing as fate
skullsquisher21 (8:15:47 PM): going back to machiens
skullsquisher21 (8:15:52 PM): what is programming us
skullsquisher21 (8:16:01 PM): could be scared of how smart theyve made us
skullsquisher21 (8:16:07 PM): and when one person starts to figure that out
skullsquisher21 (8:16:20 PM): they manipulate the people around that person to make sure nothing is done about it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:16:26 PM): they begin to contest that omniscient being
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:16:31 PM): yea totally
skullsquisher21 (8:16:36 PM): whatever it is
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:16:39 PM): imo
skullsquisher21 (8:16:39 PM): it fears us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:16:41 PM): fate exists
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:16:49 PM): but we have the ability to manipulate it
skullsquisher21 (8:16:54 PM): but what decides our fate
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:16:55 PM): to within a fixed range
skullsquisher21 (8:16:55 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:16:59 PM): there may be fate
skullsquisher21 (8:17:03 PM): but with one decision
skullsquisher21 (8:17:06 PM): we can change it completely
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:17:10 PM): free will
skullsquisher21 (8:17:11 PM): we decide our own fate
skullsquisher21 (8:17:16 PM): clear our own path
skullsquisher21 (8:17:18 PM): or do we
skullsquisher21 (8:17:27 PM): is there something controlling our thoughts and actions
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:17:29 PM): we are this beings greatest creation, a sort of experiment
skullsquisher21 (8:17:36 PM): right
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:17:38 PM): which is why nothing else has freedom of thought
skullsquisher21 (8:17:42 PM): and now
skullsquisher21 (8:18:08 PM): we are starting to contest that higher being with out intellectual abilities
skullsquisher21 (8:18:13 PM): we make many advancements
skullsquisher21 (8:18:21 PM): and could ultimately defeat our creators
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:18:26 PM): some too great for it/them to handle
skullsquisher21 (8:18:28 PM): but we are blind to this
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:18:30 PM): yeaa
skullsquisher21 (8:18:43 PM): is there any way to make people realize that this is a possibility
skullsquisher21 (8:18:49 PM): and that what we live is not life
skullsquisher21 (8:18:52 PM): but a program
skullsquisher21 (8:18:58 PM): that we were designed into
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:19:14 PM): i quote: "people are dumb, panicky, simple, and lazy"
skullsquisher21 (8:19:26 PM): but why
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:19:28 PM): they wont believe anything that will affect their little world
skullsquisher21 (8:19:36 PM): why do people fear life
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:19:42 PM): to intrude on their "happiness"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:19:49 PM): the same reason ppl fear death
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:19:58 PM): its a complete unknown
skullsquisher21 (8:19:58 PM): wat is giving them that "happiness" tho
skullsquisher21 (8:20:03 PM): it is electrical impulses
skullsquisher21 (8:20:05 PM): we are machines
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:20:06 PM): yep
skullsquisher21 (8:20:15 PM): a brian is a super developed artifical intelligence robot
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:20:23 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:20:27 PM): we have been programmed
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:20:30 PM): beyond all comprehension, but it is
skullsquisher21 (8:20:36 PM): we are slaves to these things that have created us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:20:48 PM): which is why there has to be a superpowerful thing over us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:20:52 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:20:53 PM): and we have not discovered a way to free ourselves
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:21:00 PM): we most likely never will
skullsquisher21 (8:21:09 PM): because everyone ignores this
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:21:13 PM): because we cannot do anything beyond what these things have told us to do
skullsquisher21 (8:21:16 PM): and goes on with their daily routine
skullsquisher21 (8:21:22 PM): executing this program
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:21:22 PM): without any outside...
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:21:26 PM): "help"
skullsquisher21 (8:21:34 PM): but
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:21:40 PM): compare it to a comp
skullsquisher21 (8:21:41 PM): they couldve gone too far with their experiments
skullsquisher21 (8:21:43 PM): and in fact
skullsquisher21 (8:21:49 PM): brought about their own doom by creating us
skullsquisher21 (8:21:54 PM): for we are more powerful than they know
skullsquisher21 (8:21:57 PM): and they fear us
skullsquisher21 (8:22:06 PM): like what panzer said last year
skullsquisher21 (8:22:22 PM): omnipitence or however u spell it paradox
skullsquisher21 (8:22:35 PM): can an allpowerful creature create something stronger than it itself
skullsquisher21 (8:22:48 PM): it applies directly to our lives
skullsquisher21 (8:22:58 PM): we have been created
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:23:00 PM): yup
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:23:13 PM): it cannot create something greater than itself
skullsquisher21 (8:23:15 PM): and we because of our amazing ability to learn and adapt
skullsquisher21 (8:23:25 PM): could in fact be stronger than that thing
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:23:26 PM): but that thing can be changed to no boundaries whatsopever
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:23:34 PM): yea
skullsquisher21 (8:23:41 PM): and our ability to learn
skullsquisher21 (8:23:46 PM): could be what they fear
skullsquisher21 (8:23:49 PM): and i we learn too much
skullsquisher21 (8:23:51 PM): they kill us
skullsquisher21 (8:23:54 PM): if*
skullsquisher21 (8:24:04 PM): because when one person speaks out
skullsquisher21 (8:24:10 PM): he is defeated by those around him
skullsquisher21 (8:24:16 PM): because of fear that what he says is the truth
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:24:21 PM): because he is antic conformist
skullsquisher21 (8:24:23 PM): it has happened all throughout history
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:24:28 PM): he is not adhering to the program
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:24:35 PM): yea
skullsquisher21 (8:24:36 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:24:53 PM): and once that error in the program is detected
skullsquisher21 (8:24:55 PM): it is found
skullsquisher21 (8:24:57 PM): and destroyed
skullsquisher21 (8:25:03 PM): and the program runs as usualy
skullsquisher21 (8:25:06 PM): usual*
skullsquisher21 (8:25:07 PM): but
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:25:13 PM): mhmm
skullsquisher21 (8:25:15 PM): we as humans could be a virus so powerful
skullsquisher21 (8:25:22 PM): such an overdone experiment
skullsquisher21 (8:25:25 PM): that we the virus
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:25:43 PM): are able to permanently overthrow the system so to speak
skullsquisher21 (8:25:50 PM): could completely shut down and destroy the computer (our creator)
skullsquisher21 (8:26:01 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:26:06 PM): just like in a regular computer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:26:09 PM): yep
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:26:15 PM): which is basically what we are
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:26:18 PM): we are our creations
skullsquisher21 (8:26:18 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:26:35 PM): a technological advancement by some other race
skullsquisher21 (8:26:45 PM): is the world we are lviing in real
skullsquisher21 (8:26:49 PM): or is it like in a computer
skullsquisher21 (8:26:51 PM): it is all fake
skullsquisher21 (8:26:56 PM): just a program executed
skullsquisher21 (8:27:10 PM): is there some other world out there with other being living
skullsquisher21 (8:27:17 PM): beings*
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:27:27 PM): or are we the only ones
skullsquisher21 (8:27:30 PM): is there some way to detatch ourselves from this program
skullsquisher21 (8:27:33 PM): and defeat the sources
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:27:36 PM): a powerful yet flawed algortithm at best
skullsquisher21 (8:27:40 PM): and be freed from the bondage we were born into
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:27:55 PM): if we were such as the only "ones"
skullsquisher21 (8:27:57 PM): and ultimately be the masters of our own fate
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:28:07 PM): to be freed means to completely give up existence as we know it
skullsquisher21 (8:28:15 PM): death could be the key
skullsquisher21 (8:28:18 PM): to freedom
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:28:21 PM): there is a chance of either happening
skullsquisher21 (8:28:23 PM): being dead
skullsquisher21 (8:28:30 PM): there is nothing to control or regulate us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:28:32 PM): opens the door to a new life
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:28:39 PM): to true freedom
skullsquisher21 (8:28:44 PM): death is another step on the path
skullsquisher21 (8:28:51 PM): one that leads us out of bondage
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:28:56 PM): the path never ends
skullsquisher21 (8:29:00 PM): precisely
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:29:04 PM): yea
skullsquisher21 (8:29:20 PM): but is it possible to take a wrong turn on the path
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:29:23 PM): our release from such bondage is a piece of that path
skullsquisher21 (8:29:29 PM): and end up somewhere else
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:29:31 PM): yes
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:29:42 PM): but the whole point of that path
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:29:53 PM): if it exists and whatever these things are created it too
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:30:09 PM): then it must be able to lead us the right way no matter where we stray
skullsquisher21 (8:30:23 PM): but could there be someone
skullsquisher21 (8:30:28 PM): who is so far offcourse
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:30:33 PM): beyond hope
skullsquisher21 (8:30:33 PM): it is impossible to lead them back
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:30:38 PM): doubt it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:30:44 PM): but you never knwo
skullsquisher21 (8:30:46 PM): can a human (virus) be incorrigible
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:30:46 PM): know*
skullsquisher21 (8:30:59 PM): is there a point when these higher beings give up
skullsquisher21 (8:31:10 PM): and let us take ourselves where we go
skullsquisher21 (8:31:17 PM): is that point death
skullsquisher21 (8:31:21 PM): or is it even beyond that
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:31:27 PM): beyond that id suppose
skullsquisher21 (8:31:35 PM): but does it exist
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:31:37 PM): if they were to give up tehre would just be nothing
skullsquisher21 (8:31:46 PM): or is everything in our life preprogrammed
skullsquisher21 (8:31:48 PM): every twist in turn
skullsquisher21 (8:31:52 PM): in life and death
skullsquisher21 (8:32:02 PM): is that how it must be
skullsquisher21 (8:32:06 PM): or can we change it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:32:08 PM): you cant choose your birth nor your death
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:32:15 PM): but everythign in between
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:32:17 PM): is fair game
skullsquisher21 (8:32:26 PM): but what about once you are dead
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:32:35 PM): then you must continue the cycle
skullsquisher21 (8:32:42 PM): does the cycle repeat
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:32:43 PM): there is an end to death, tehre must be
skullsquisher21 (8:32:44 PM): or at some point
skullsquisher21 (8:32:47 PM): does it terminate
skullsquisher21 (8:32:50 PM): and u no longer exist
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:33:00 PM): and in between death and then. ewe control what happens
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:33:10 PM): probably infinite
skullsquisher21 (8:33:20 PM): what is infinte
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:33:25 PM): no end at all
skullsquisher21 (8:33:26 PM): infite is an uncountable measure of time
skullsquisher21 (8:33:29 PM): and time does not exist
skullsquisher21 (8:33:31 PM): time is relative
skullsquisher21 (8:33:35 PM): humans created time
skullsquisher21 (8:33:38 PM): to organize our lives
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:33:41 PM): therefore infinite is relative
skullsquisher21 (8:33:46 PM): exactly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:33:56 PM): infinite is overused by our species as an exaggeration
skullsquisher21 (8:33:59 PM): infinite is what we percieve it to be
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:34:05 PM): according to ones views
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:34:10 PM): yup
skullsquisher21 (8:35:03 PM): is there a way for the virus to shut down the mainframe computer system
skullsquisher21 (8:35:12 PM): in our lives
skullsquisher21 (8:35:13 PM): yes
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:35:15 PM): there is always a way
skullsquisher21 (8:35:18 PM): so in this analogy
skullsquisher21 (8:35:24 PM): we can certainly control our own fate
skullsquisher21 (8:35:32 PM): because we can even change our predestined fate
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:35:32 PM): its just how hard the virus is willing to work towards such a goal
skullsquisher21 (8:35:35 PM): we can kill the source
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:35:40 PM): and how endowed it is ith the ability to
skullsquisher21 (8:35:50 PM): if the virus can ban together with other viruses
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:35:51 PM): with*
skullsquisher21 (8:35:56 PM): under one banner so to speak
skullsquisher21 (8:35:59 PM): for the greater good
skullsquisher21 (8:36:04 PM): to kill the source
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:36:09 PM): the common idea rather
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:36:13 PM): good is another relative
skullsquisher21 (8:36:14 PM): humans are too ignorant
skullsquisher21 (8:36:19 PM): and hold grudges
skullsquisher21 (8:36:21 PM): and dont unite
skullsquisher21 (8:36:24 PM): but if they did
skullsquisher21 (8:36:35 PM): we would certainly be a force to be reckoned with
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:36:38 PM): thats why humans are ignorant like that
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:36:49 PM): so we can never truly take down the system
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:37:11 PM): wed never be able to surmount such a force wuth current human relations
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:37:16 PM): our flaws
skullsquisher21 (8:37:27 PM): unless someone is powerful enough to instill this idea into every human being and to make them accept and realize that this is the truth and the only way to free ourselves
skullsquisher21 (8:37:29 PM): once we do
skullsquisher21 (8:37:32 PM): we will find a way
skullsquisher21 (8:37:37 PM): one of our programmed instics
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:37:38 PM): ^yes
skullsquisher21 (8:37:41 PM): in self preservation
skullsquisher21 (8:37:45 PM): and freedom
skullsquisher21 (8:37:55 PM): so
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:37:58 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:37:58 PM): we will find a way
skullsquisher21 (8:38:02 PM): no matter the cost
skullsquisher21 (8:38:13 PM): but until our ignorant people realize this
skullsquisher21 (8:38:19 PM): we are a hopeless cause
skullsquisher21 (8:38:28 PM): and will serve our time as slaves
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:38:36 PM): we are subject to our creator(s)
skullsquisher21 (8:38:37 PM): until we enter the next step of our existence
skullsquisher21 (8:38:39 PM): which is death
skullsquisher21 (8:38:46 PM): and what follows that
skullsquisher21 (8:38:55 PM): is unknown to our race
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:39:12 PM): its unknown to our race at this stage in the path
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:39:23 PM): but humans who have passed into the next phase
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:39:24 PM): know
skullsquisher21 (8:39:29 PM): or is there another program such as this
skullsquisher21 (8:39:36 PM): that we enter into once we "die"
skullsquisher21 (8:39:46 PM): but at this point
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:39:47 PM): the next phase
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:39:53 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:39:54 PM): we lack a way of reaching the people in the next phase
skullsquisher21 (8:40:15 PM): the barrier has not yet been breached and so until the people living on earth have visual proof they will not believe
skullsquisher21 (8:40:16 PM): it
skullsquisher21 (8:40:22 PM): so the only chance of freeing our race
skullsquisher21 (8:40:25 PM): is to show them
skullsquisher21 (8:40:33 PM): that theres more to us than this
skullsquisher21 (8:40:47 PM): that we are slaves
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:40:47 PM): people rely too much on their senses
skullsquisher21 (8:40:52 PM): working for this higher source
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:40:55 PM): because is our only window to teh world
skullsquisher21 (8:41:06 PM): and that we can't control our existence until we gain our independence
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:41:52 PM): if ppl were to rebel against their only window to existence in this form, we woudl finally reach those in the next phase
skullsquisher21 (8:42:07 PM): and could defeat the source together
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:42:11 PM): if people were to deny their own perception
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:42:18 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:42:24 PM): if people belived that perception is relative
skullsquisher21 (8:42:34 PM): and our perception is not what we believe it is
skullsquisher21 (8:42:43 PM): because our percetion is programmed
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:42:46 PM): they could create a uniform perception of such
skullsquisher21 (8:42:55 PM): and united under one idea
skullsquisher21 (8:43:00 PM): we would be invincible
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:43:07 PM): yup
skullsquisher21 (8:43:41 PM): so why do we focus so much on such things as we do
skullsquisher21 (8:43:46 PM): like grades
skullsquisher21 (8:43:50 PM): to go to a good college
skullsquisher21 (8:43:53 PM): to get a good job
skullsquisher21 (8:43:55 PM): to get money
skullsquisher21 (8:44:01 PM): to live in ignorance!!!
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:44:11 PM): because it is all we know according to our programming
skullsquisher21 (8:44:16 PM): everything instilled to us as children about how important education is
skullsquisher21 (8:44:21 PM): is told to us when we are young
skullsquisher21 (8:44:26 PM): so we believe it as truth
skullsquisher21 (8:44:37 PM): adn are blind to everything other than ignorant bliss
skullsquisher21 (8:44:56 PM): there has to be a way to find out something more
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:44:57 PM): humans cant develop coherent thought while young
skullsquisher21 (8:44:59 PM): somehting beyond what we are
skullsquisher21 (8:45:11 PM): but they have true genius
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:45:19 PM): we need models for such
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:45:23 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:45:25 PM): many problems are solved because of children
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:45:28 PM): but other generations
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:45:30 PM): older ppl
skullsquisher21 (8:45:30 PM): if a child was to be untampered with
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:45:36 PM): cant understand such genius
skullsquisher21 (8:45:44 PM): he/she could be the true link to whatever else is out there
skullsquisher21 (8:46:11 PM): if we allow him to live in a small world we create
skullsquisher21 (8:46:14 PM): and then later in life
skullsquisher21 (8:46:18 PM): show him our "world"
skullsquisher21 (8:46:32 PM): he would not be so blind to the idea that there could be yet another world
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:46:48 PM): but they would not be able to pass such knowledge on until all of the old "models" were gone
skullsquisher21 (8:46:50 PM): and because he was never "preprogrammed"
skullsquisher21 (8:47:08 PM): we could instill a new intellectual ability into our race
skullsquisher21 (8:47:15 PM): and be able to conquer our creators
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:47:27 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (8:47:43 PM): but is there a way to do that
skullsquisher21 (8:48:24 PM): is it possible to completely blind one from our percetion of the world around us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:48:40 PM): it isnt perfectly possible
skullsquisher21 (8:48:42 PM): and would that blindness contribute to that persons perception of the world
skullsquisher21 (8:48:55 PM): and he may see it in a different light
skullsquisher21 (8:49:00 PM): and find the answer to the questions
skullsquisher21 (8:49:30 PM): to raise such a child
skullsquisher21 (8:49:56 PM): we would have to be advanced enough to create our own alternate universe in wihch the child would live until a certain age
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:50:36 PM): we already have that kind of environment though
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:50:44 PM): solitary confinement
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:50:50 PM): only placed with other children
skullsquisher21 (8:50:53 PM): hmm
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:50:55 PM): no outside influence
skullsquisher21 (8:51:01 PM): so maybe what we think of as "madness"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:51:05 PM): only supplied necessary resources
skullsquisher21 (8:51:13 PM): when people go into solitary confinement
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:51:14 PM): no interaction with older humans
skullsquisher21 (8:51:17 PM): maybe that madness
skullsquisher21 (8:51:20 PM): could really be the truth
skullsquisher21 (8:51:24 PM): and the key to get out of the door
skullsquisher21 (8:51:27 PM): and into a new room
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:51:43 PM): their madness is the truth trying to surface out of their ill-conceived notions
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:51:47 PM): all pll in solitary
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:51:53 PM): already have been "tainted"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:52:00 PM): preprogrammed
skullsquisher21 (8:52:10 PM): they need to be placed in solitary confinement
skullsquisher21 (8:52:16 PM): directly after birth
skullsquisher21 (8:52:21 PM): well
skullsquisher21 (8:52:27 PM): after they no longer need their mother
skullsquisher21 (8:52:44 PM): or perhaps the mother should live with the child in solitary confinement
skullsquisher21 (8:52:51 PM): until she is no longer needed
skullsquisher21 (8:52:57 PM): and then the child will live alone
skullsquisher21 (8:53:08 PM): we can examine the simplicity of our species
skullsquisher21 (8:53:13 PM): and perhaps
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:53:20 PM): only allowed to be with other children if possible
skullsquisher21 (8:53:21 PM): simplicty could be the key to shutting down the source
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:53:28 PM): to study solitarity versus groups
skullsquisher21 (8:53:32 PM): because it expects us to be advanced
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:53:37 PM): to create one uniform idea in teh group
skullsquisher21 (8:53:39 PM): if we learn from our primitive state
skullsquisher21 (8:53:45 PM): therein could lie the key
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:54:00 PM): yeas
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:54:01 PM): yes*
skullsquisher21 (8:54:03 PM): like in programs
skullsquisher21 (8:54:15 PM): firewalls block certain things
skullsquisher21 (8:54:19 PM): to keep the system whole
skullsquisher21 (8:54:22 PM): but then
skullsquisher21 (8:54:27 PM): something could be so simple
skullsquisher21 (8:54:34 PM): that it could sneak behind the firewall
skullsquisher21 (8:54:45 PM): but because humans are so good at adapting and learning
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:54:46 PM): yea
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:54:54 PM): we advance too quickly
skullsquisher21 (8:54:56 PM): once it gets inside the main system and past the firewall
skullsquisher21 (8:55:00 PM): and could learn
skullsquisher21 (8:55:06 PM): and defeat the source
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:55:15 PM): yeaa
skullsquisher21 (8:55:19 PM): orrrrr
skullsquisher21 (8:55:31 PM): perhaps we could develop our own artificial intelligence
skullsquisher21 (8:55:38 PM): at an extremely simple lvel
skullsquisher21 (8:55:41 PM): level*
skullsquisher21 (8:55:49 PM): so it sneaks in without anyone caring
skullsquisher21 (8:55:55 PM): and then we teach it
skullsquisher21 (8:56:00 PM): but at that point
skullsquisher21 (8:56:13 PM): we risk artificial intelligence becoming too advanced
skullsquisher21 (8:56:15 PM): and then
skullsquisher21 (8:56:20 PM): its the same story all over again
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:56:24 PM): the same thign we're trying to do
skullsquisher21 (8:56:25 PM): and they think of us as the higher beings
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:56:26 PM): happens to us
skullsquisher21 (8:56:28 PM): and try to kill us
skullsquisher21 (8:56:30 PM): exactly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:56:33 PM): exactly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:56:35 PM): omg esp
skullsquisher21 (8:57:03 PM): esp is two people sharing the same brainwave and therefore having the same thought
skullsquisher21 (8:57:15 PM): is there some way to make all people have this same interconnected thought
skullsquisher21 (8:57:18 PM): throughout our race
skullsquisher21 (8:57:21 PM): that would unite us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:57:31 PM): doubtful
skullsquisher21 (8:57:34 PM): ha
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:57:36 PM): its too random to be contained
skullsquisher21 (8:57:37 PM): i know what iy is
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:57:40 PM): like lightining
skullsquisher21 (8:57:42 PM): i get it
skullsquisher21 (8:57:50 PM): they stop people from having the same big ideas
skullsquisher21 (8:57:54 PM): that could actually do something
skullsquisher21 (8:57:55 PM): but
skullsquisher21 (8:57:58 PM): h.o a sec
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:58:33 PM): k
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (8:58:43 PM): yeaa
skullsquisher21 (8:59:27 PM): ok sorry
skullsquisher21 (8:59:30 PM): umm
skullsquisher21 (8:59:37 PM): i think i might understand
skullsquisher21 (8:59:51 PM): they stop us from sharing the same thoughts when the thoughts could endanger themselves
skullsquisher21 (8:59:55 PM): but
skullsquisher21 (9:00:03 PM): when its something as simple as what we just said
skullsquisher21 (9:00:05 PM): "exactly"
skullsquisher21 (9:00:14 PM): they allow it to pass through
skullsquisher21 (9:00:22 PM): because they dont percieve it as a threat
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:00:23 PM): the firewall
skullsquisher21 (9:00:36 PM): there must be some way to say something simple enough that it gets through
skullsquisher21 (9:00:52 PM): yet specific enough that it instills the same idea in every humans mind
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:01:06 PM): yea
skullsquisher21 (9:01:13 PM): all firewalls can be broken
skullsquisher21 (9:01:16 PM): it just takes time
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:01:19 PM): its gotta be at like pinpoint accuracy tho
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:01:28 PM): right on the line between threat and simple
skullsquisher21 (9:01:35 PM): and how to send that out into every mind
skullsquisher21 (9:01:39 PM): is unknown
skullsquisher21 (9:01:57 PM): unless we find a way to see what frequencies our brains operate at
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:02:04 PM): its kind of proof that everyone is programmed i think
skullsquisher21 (9:02:10 PM): and send the message to that frequency
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:02:12 PM): since such thigns can hapopen
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:02:13 PM): esp
skullsquisher21 (9:02:18 PM): maybe as an impulse
skullsquisher21 (9:02:22 PM): wait
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:02:24 PM): its like the same program at the same time
skullsquisher21 (9:02:33 PM): what about instead of a message in our language which theyd expect
skullsquisher21 (9:02:38 PM): and electrical impulse
skullsquisher21 (9:02:42 PM): sent to all brains
skullsquisher21 (9:02:46 PM): that tells us what to do
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:02:53 PM): mind control
skullsquisher21 (9:02:57 PM): but the higher beings dont percieve it
skullsquisher21 (9:03:03 PM): because they dont think the same way we do
skullsquisher21 (9:03:11 PM): they probably dont have brains
skullsquisher21 (9:03:16 PM): something more advanced
skullsquisher21 (9:03:21 PM): and they see our brains as simple
skullsquisher21 (9:03:32 PM): simple yet complex enough to possibly break through and destroy
skullsquisher21 (9:03:33 PM): them
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:03:36 PM): like we see our creations as simple
skullsquisher21 (9:03:39 PM): butit would have to be done soon
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:03:50 PM): because they cant do what we can w/o the ability to grow
skullsquisher21 (9:03:51 PM): because once we advance to a certain point
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:03:57 PM): and be nurturered and "trained"
skullsquisher21 (9:03:58 PM): they'll see us as a threat
skullsquisher21 (9:04:00 PM): and wipe us out
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:04:04 PM): yep
skullsquisher21 (9:04:07 PM): we need to do it before that happens
skullsquisher21 (9:04:15 PM): or before we wipe ourselves out
skullsquisher21 (9:04:21 PM): which is probably what they are hoping for
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:04:32 PM): a failsafe
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:04:36 PM): if we go too far
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:04:42 PM): we kill oursel;ves in some way
skullsquisher21 (9:04:44 PM): a self terminating program
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:04:53 PM): sometiems it could be suicide
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:04:58 PM): most of the time
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:04:59 PM): bigger
skullsquisher21 (9:05:01 PM): everything has a self destruct button
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:05:06 PM): like a security type of prog
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:05:11 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (9:05:20 PM): perhaps people commit suicide because they realize the truth
skullsquisher21 (9:05:23 PM): and cannot handle it
skullsquisher21 (9:05:36 PM): or maybe they think they know what will happen in the next step
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:05:39 PM): it complicates their lives too quickly
skullsquisher21 (9:05:40 PM): and they are eager to get there
skullsquisher21 (9:05:48 PM): and people we think are mad
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:05:54 PM): and they cant take the burden
skullsquisher21 (9:05:54 PM): could actually hold the key to our success
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:06:10 PM): if we could foster a slower realization
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:06:14 PM): like how we learn
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:06:17 PM): it might work
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:06:25 PM): they would eb able to handle such an extreme
skullsquisher21 (9:06:35 PM): but once we make a discovery
skullsquisher21 (9:06:38 PM): we are eager for more
skullsquisher21 (9:06:44 PM): and because of our eagerness
skullsquisher21 (9:06:48 PM): we overload our simple minds
skullsquisher21 (9:06:52 PM): and self destruct
skullsquisher21 (9:07:08 PM): too much information kills a prgram
skullsquisher21 (9:07:14 PM): humans could be the same way
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:07:17 PM): freeze
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:07:22 PM): crash
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:07:23 PM): terminate
skullsquisher21 (9:07:28 PM): precisely
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:07:31 PM): damn
skullsquisher21 (9:07:46 PM): i wouldne be surprised in the slightest
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:07:52 PM): neither would i
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:08:25 PM): maybe we shoudl ask kevin
skullsquisher21 (9:08:34 PM): no
skullsquisher21 (9:08:42 PM): kevin will comlicate things to much and commit suicide
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:08:45 PM): to get another perception in
skullsquisher21 (9:09:01 PM): or he will simply cling to the beliefs pounded into his head
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:09:05 PM): apparently smart ppl like kevin smart
skullsquisher21 (9:09:06 PM): *programmed rather
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:09:18 PM): are more perfect programs
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:09:23 PM): designed to never "rebel"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:09:28 PM): or reject tehir programming
skullsquisher21 (9:09:33 PM): and designed to control rebellious prgrams
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:09:35 PM): for they become the leaders
skullsquisher21 (9:09:42 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (9:09:44 PM): thats why
skullsquisher21 (9:09:46 PM): law was created
skullsquisher21 (9:09:56 PM): to regulate people and make sure they dont do anything out of line
skullsquisher21 (9:10:00 PM): for if they do
skullsquisher21 (9:10:06 PM): the higher beings fear us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:10:22 PM): they have to run that risk
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:10:33 PM): and they cant deal with that
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:10:41 PM): even our higher-ups have their limits i suppose
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:10:54 PM): for if we could eventually "rebel"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:10:59 PM): we could take over
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:11:08 PM): break their limits
skullsquisher21 (9:11:09 PM): which is what they fear
skullsquisher21 (9:11:11 PM): so
skullsquisher21 (9:11:16 PM): they regulate our behavior
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:11:23 PM): we are limited to what they are
skullsquisher21 (9:11:31 PM): or are we
skullsquisher21 (9:11:39 PM): did they make us too powerful
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:11:42 PM): until we can conquer such adversity
skullsquisher21 (9:11:45 PM): from our evolution and learning
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:11:47 PM): learn
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:11:48 PM): yes
skullsquisher21 (9:11:52 PM): and can we adapt to what they do
skullsquisher21 (9:11:56 PM): and defeat them
skullsquisher21 (9:12:14 PM): its inevitable that we either conquer them or destroy ourselves
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:12:49 PM): that is the next step maybe
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:12:58 PM): no one has been able to reach it yet though
skullsquisher21 (9:13:07 PM): people lack the desire
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:13:13 PM): because after life is conquered, death poses a new set of adversity and ignorance
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:13:21 PM): if ppl find "paradise"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:13:27 PM): they lose the drive thay may have had
skullsquisher21 (9:13:28 PM): something we must yet again overcome
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:14:33 PM): proof that the cycle is circular
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:14:40 PM): until once can punch a hole in it
skullsquisher21 (9:14:54 PM): or utterly take out our existence
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:14:54 PM): like the universe is infinite until you reach a black hole
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:15:10 PM): which is a portal into a world beyond conception
skullsquisher21 (9:15:15 PM): where does the cycle go back to the beginning though?
skullsquisher21 (9:15:18 PM): reincarnation?
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:15:24 PM): i mean like
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:15:33 PM): the same thign over and over until u proceed
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:15:47 PM): like life, then death is the same only harder to overcome, then the next step
skullsquisher21 (9:15:49 PM): caught in a loop
skullsquisher21 (9:15:54 PM): until u find a way out
skullsquisher21 (9:16:13 PM): once u can discover why there is a loop
skullsquisher21 (9:16:15 PM): so u can block it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:16:43 PM): exactly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:16:52 PM): once you figure out the puzzle
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:16:58 PM): it opens up to reveal the prize
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:17:10 PM): a chance to revel in pure freedom
skullsquisher21 (9:17:12 PM): but the prize may be yet another puzzle
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:17:18 PM): yeahh
skullsquisher21 (9:17:22 PM): one more diffcult and challenging
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:17:23 PM): until you reach the final one
skullsquisher21 (9:17:26 PM): maybe we are just experiments
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:17:32 PM): like a video game or soemthing
skullsquisher21 (9:17:34 PM): for them to learn of our abilities
skullsquisher21 (9:17:40 PM): is there a final one at all
skullsquisher21 (9:17:45 PM): or do they make maze after maze
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:17:47 PM): there must be
skullsquisher21 (9:17:51 PM): until the mice become so smart
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:17:55 PM): like i said, our higher ups have to have limits too
skullsquisher21 (9:17:57 PM): they dont care about the cheese anymore
skullsquisher21 (9:18:02 PM): they are fed up with the mazes
skullsquisher21 (9:18:09 PM): and so they stop the creator of those mazes
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:18:17 PM): tahts the end
skullsquisher21 (9:18:36 PM): but what created the beings above us
skullsquisher21 (9:18:51 PM): there must be more levels to the food chain
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:19:05 PM): its also a loop
skullsquisher21 (9:19:15 PM): right
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:19:17 PM): we sustain some thign that created them
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:19:20 PM): that breated us
skullsquisher21 (9:19:21 PM): but can humans ever be dominant
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:19:31 PM): we already are if its a loop
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:19:38 PM): to the creators of our creators
skullsquisher21 (9:19:42 PM): or will we constantly be subject to someone elses rule
skullsquisher21 (9:20:00 PM): ohh i see what you are saying
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:20:09 PM): yea
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:20:21 PM): like say a ladys gardening
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:20:28 PM): she has veggies she cares for
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:20:42 PM): which feed animals which feed her whom feeds the veggies
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:20:45 PM): food chain
skullsquisher21 (9:20:48 PM): right
skullsquisher21 (9:20:51 PM): and all life
skullsquisher21 (9:20:54 PM): even beyond us
skullsquisher21 (9:20:57 PM): functions in the same manner
skullsquisher21 (9:21:03 PM): everything in life is regulated
skullsquisher21 (9:21:11 PM): we realy are just like machines
skullsquisher21 (9:21:31 PM): we should write a book
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:21:55 PM): deff
skullsquisher21 (9:22:11 PM): to inform people of their ignorance
skullsquisher21 (9:22:23 PM): and see if they can come to realize that there must be something more
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:22:48 PM): its worth a shot i guess
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:22:54 PM): at such a base level
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:22:57 PM): but little by little
skullsquisher21 (9:23:09 PM): it could grow to something more
skullsquisher21 (9:23:11 PM): over time
skullsquisher21 (9:23:14 PM): and save our race
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:23:23 PM): exactly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:23:30 PM): chances are
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:23:36 PM): if the higher ups are watchign right now
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:23:39 PM): we'll be dead tomorrow
skullsquisher21 (9:23:43 PM): yup
skullsquisher21 (9:23:49 PM): unless
skullsquisher21 (9:23:57 PM): they overlook us
skullsquisher21 (9:24:02 PM): and think it wont grow into someting
skullsquisher21 (9:24:07 PM): but if it in fact does
skullsquisher21 (9:24:12 PM): then by that point
skullsquisher21 (9:24:15 PM): it might be too late
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:24:21 PM): itll be too far for them to sto[
skullsquisher21 (9:24:24 PM): right
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:24:24 PM): stop*
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:24:28 PM): deff
skullsquisher21 (9:24:31 PM): we'll have too much momentum
skullsquisher21 (9:24:37 PM): and possibly defeat them
skullsquisher21 (9:24:41 PM): but then what?
skullsquisher21 (9:24:43 PM): if we do?
skullsquisher21 (9:24:47 PM): whats the point?
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:25:33 PM): there is no point after that
skullsquisher21 (9:25:39 PM): we lose our drive
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:25:40 PM): until our creators creators
skullsquisher21 (9:25:45 PM): falter as a civilization
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:25:46 PM): our subjects
skullsquisher21 (9:25:48 PM): and kill ourselves
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:25:54 PM): do the same
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:25:57 PM): or that
skullsquisher21 (9:26:02 PM): but if there is no more than that
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:26:04 PM): another crossroads
skullsquisher21 (9:26:07 PM): we fall into civil war
skullsquisher21 (9:26:19 PM): and destroy ourselves through nuclear technology
skullsquisher21 (9:26:26 PM): and then another race will become dominant
skullsquisher21 (9:26:32 PM): and the cycle will yet again repeat
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:26:46 PM): everythign is a cycle i suppose
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:26:54 PM): its just a matter of how elaborate
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:26:57 PM): how long
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:27:04 PM): how difficult to stop
skullsquisher21 (9:27:16 PM): and who determiens where the cycle stops
skullsquisher21 (9:27:22 PM): it doesnt
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:27:33 PM): its all a matter of perception
skullsquisher21 (9:27:36 PM): and even if it does
skullsquisher21 (9:27:40 PM): a new cycle is started
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:27:45 PM): where you think it stops is where you try to stop it
skullsquisher21 (9:28:07 PM): and even if you do "stop it" as you percieve it
skullsquisher21 (9:28:13 PM): there is more to it than we can imagine im sure
skullsquisher21 (9:28:21 PM): and it will always be rotating
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:28:34 PM): never ending
skullsquisher21 (9:28:35 PM): the universe and our "reality" and higher beings
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:28:36 PM): like the paht
skullsquisher21 (9:28:37 PM): is never ending
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:28:39 PM): path*
skullsquisher21 (9:28:48 PM): the path is never ending
skullsquisher21 (9:28:53 PM): because at some point
skullsquisher21 (9:28:57 PM): it takes a turn
skullsquisher21 (9:29:04 PM): and yet again comes right back to the beginning
skullsquisher21 (9:29:10 PM): only to start over yet again
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:29:10 PM): cyclic
skullsquisher21 (9:29:45 PM): we are just like machines
skullsquisher21 (9:29:47 PM): in every way
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:29:52 PM): exactly
skullsquisher21 (9:30:01 PM): everything is programed
skullsquisher21 (9:30:13 PM): we really should write a book
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:30:15 PM): no matetr how open ended somethig is
skullsquisher21 (9:30:17 PM): or talk to panzer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:30:21 PM): noi matetr how "free"
skullsquisher21 (9:30:21 PM): or something
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:30:26 PM): lol both
skullsquisher21 (9:30:28 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:30:30 PM): dont tell him hto
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:30:36 PM): hed try to take our money
skullsquisher21 (9:30:39 PM): werd
skullsquisher21 (9:30:40 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:30:41 PM): greedy irish
skullsquisher21 (9:30:44 PM): haha
skullsquisher21 (9:30:59 PM): "human: man...machine"
skullsquisher21 (9:31:09 PM): book title
skullsquisher21 (9:31:09 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:31:12 PM): omg yes
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:31:13 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:31:20 PM): "aj: nigger...honky"
skullsquisher21 (9:31:23 PM): lolol
skullsquisher21 (9:31:33 PM): and we'd be our own publishing company
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:31:35 PM): "lucio: meatball...wafro"
skullsquisher21 (9:31:44 PM): aj and meatball publishing company
skullsquisher21 (9:31:46 PM): lolol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:31:57 PM): lol
skullsquisher21 (9:32:02 PM): itd be cool if i had a food name too
skullsquisher21 (9:32:10 PM): then we cud put the two together
skullsquisher21 (9:32:11 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:32:21 PM): haha
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:32:24 PM): fried chicken
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:32:27 PM): and meatball
skullsquisher21 (9:32:34 PM): fried chicken cuz im black
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:32:46 PM): yeaa
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:32:52 PM): fckw
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:32:59 PM): fried chicken koolaid watermelon
skullsquisher21 (9:33:04 PM): lolol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:33:36 PM): i sent downer and gina our convo lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:33:40 PM): w/o the book part
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:33:45 PM): their heads are gonan a splode
skullsquisher21 (9:33:51 PM): whyd u do that
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:33:52 PM): and they cant steal or book idea
skullsquisher21 (9:33:55 PM): theyre gonna commit suicide
skullsquisher21 (9:33:56 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:34:01 PM): lol omg i forgot
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:34:02 PM): damn!
skullsquisher21 (9:34:27 PM): we have an essay on monday for panzer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:34:31 PM): fuck
skullsquisher21 (9:34:31 PM): instead of a test
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:34:37 PM): fuccck
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:34:47 PM): i cant write at friggin 7 in the morning
skullsquisher21 (9:34:47 PM): look what his hw page says
skullsquisher21 (9:34:49 PM): Period 1: AP World History II
Study and review the rubric for the essays
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:34:55 PM): oh shit
skullsquisher21 (9:34:57 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:34:59 PM): that sneaky bastard
skullsquisher21 (9:35:01 PM): haha
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:35:03 PM): lol
skullsquisher21 (9:35:10 PM): wow
skullsquisher21 (9:35:21 PM): we talked about perception and stuff for an hour and a half
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:35:25 PM): lmao
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:35:35 PM): you had a bad drug trip thats all
skullsquisher21 (9:35:40 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:35:40 PM): *shifty eyes*
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:35:45 PM): lol
skullsquisher21 (9:36:03 PM): we really should write a book though
skullsquisher21 (9:36:06 PM): we have some amazing stuff
skullsquisher21 (9:36:16 PM): and our ideas fed off of each other
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:36:26 PM): we're like fat guys
skullsquisher21 (9:36:28 PM): lolol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:36:31 PM): feeding off each other
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:36:34 PM): lol
skullsquisher21 (9:36:37 PM): haha
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:36:47 PM): "you gonna eat that dead fat guy?"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:36:51 PM): family guy
skullsquisher21 (9:36:56 PM): dude im never gonna think of certain stuff in the same wya now
skullsquisher21 (9:37:01 PM): like school
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:37:03 PM): omg totally
skullsquisher21 (9:37:07 PM): i mean
skullsquisher21 (9:37:13 PM): yea its important blah blah blah
skullsquisher21 (9:37:20 PM): but i mean come on
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:37:24 PM): its a tool used to further our descent into darkness
skullsquisher21 (9:37:25 PM): theres more to us
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:37:27 PM): ignorance
skullsquisher21 (9:37:46 PM): i dont want to be ignorant any longer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:38:06 PM): see the world thru someone elses eyes
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:38:18 PM): treat everything like its a ohase of the cycle
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:38:23 PM): phase*
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:38:30 PM): idk how to exactly do that
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:38:40 PM): but yea
skullsquisher21 (9:38:52 PM): something we can find out new
skullsquisher21 (9:38:57 PM): with this new perception
skullsquisher21 (9:39:01 PM): now*
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:39:12 PM): imagine if we had like the same dream about all of this 2night
skullsquisher21 (9:39:22 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:39:27 PM): id like die
skullsquisher21 (9:39:32 PM): aha
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:39:34 PM): "omg a splodes"
skullsquisher21 (9:39:38 PM): dude
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:39:38 PM): boom
skullsquisher21 (9:39:41 PM): i kno what im gonna do
skullsquisher21 (9:39:47 PM): leave my computer on tonight
skullsquisher21 (9:39:49 PM): and when i wake up
skullsquisher21 (9:39:55 PM): u kno tha state after ur dream
skullsquisher21 (9:40:02 PM): but before ur really awake
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:40:04 PM): yeaa
skullsquisher21 (9:40:07 PM): im just gonna get on the computer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:40:09 PM): u still remember it all
skullsquisher21 (9:40:11 PM): and type whatever i remeber
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:40:13 PM): and type it
skullsquisher21 (9:40:16 PM): yea werd
skullsquisher21 (9:40:16 PM): esp
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:40:17 PM): i thnik i will too
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:40:21 PM): esp agen
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:40:26 PM): were getting closer omg lol
skullsquisher21 (9:40:28 PM): haha
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:40:57 PM): i shoudl bring this up at abdn practice 2morrow
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:41:03 PM): just to fuck with duncan and jock lol
skullsquisher21 (9:41:07 PM): lolol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:41:12 PM): cause downer already knows and zakis too high
skullsquisher21 (9:41:13 PM): no jock would msot definitely explode
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:41:19 PM): lol yeaa
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:41:22 PM): hed be like
skullsquisher21 (9:41:25 PM): ahh wtf
skullsquisher21 (9:41:27 PM): BOOM
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:41:36 PM): boom
skullsquisher21 (9:41:39 PM): haha
skullsquisher21 (9:41:40 PM): esp
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:41:41 PM): lol esp with boom
skullsquisher21 (9:41:43 PM): omg
skullsquisher21 (9:41:44 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:41:48 PM): hahahaha
skullsquisher21 (9:41:51 PM): wow...
skullsquisher21 (9:41:54 PM): im hungry
skullsquisher21 (9:41:56 PM): brb
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:05 PM): lol when u think alot u crave sugar
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:07 PM): kk
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:17 PM): ur brane burns sugar nly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:24 PM): no protein or fat or nothing
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:34 PM): which is why nerds dont lose weight lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:44 PM): they become fats kids like andy milonakis
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:51 PM): "com here spud!"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:42:54 PM): come*
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:43:05 PM): "pull taht kid out of your fat roll"
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:44:20 PM): brb pee
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:44:23 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:45:44 PM): k i thought ud be back by the tiem i was done lol
skullsquisher21 is idle at 9:52:08 PM.
skullsquisher21 is no longer idle at 9:55:55 PM.
skullsquisher21 (9:56:46 PM): back
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:56:53 PM): k
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:58:28 PM): omg so tired
skullsquisher21 (9:58:43 PM): im prolly not gonna sleep tonight
skullsquisher21 (9:58:46 PM): im just gonna be thinking
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:58:51 PM): haha prolly
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:59:12 PM): ill be like half-asleep, half-awake singing along with my ipod blasting in my bass amp
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:59:22 PM): thinking too
skullsquisher21 (9:59:31 PM): lol
skullsquisher21 (9:59:37 PM): ill be cantoring in church tomorrow
skullsquisher21 (9:59:40 PM): not saying the prayers
skullsquisher21 (9:59:44 PM): just thinking about them
skullsquisher21 (9:59:44 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:59:50 PM): roflspanker
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (9:59:56 PM): yeah
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:00:09 PM): i prolyl will fuck with jock and duncomatic 2morrow
skullsquisher21 (10:00:17 PM): lol
skullsquisher21 (10:00:28 PM): im not gonna go tomorrow
skullsquisher21 (10:00:33 PM): i have work to do
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:00:38 PM): ya i no
skullsquisher21 (10:00:46 PM): but videotape some stuff
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:00:49 PM): abt u not going
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:00:51 PM): i might
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:00:55 PM): mostly pics tho
skullsquisher21 (10:00:58 PM): kk
skullsquisher21 (10:01:07 PM): my mom just got a new videocamera today actually
skullsquisher21 (10:01:12 PM): its madd small and cool
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:01:15 PM): haha nice
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:01:26 PM): ironic new camera for new vid
skullsquisher21 (10:01:37 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:02:11 PM): omg h/o brb
skullsquisher21 (10:02:48 PM): k
sAiNtJiMmY9235 wants to directly connect (10:04:15 PM).
skullsquisher21 is now directly connected (10:04:19 PM).
skullsquisher21 (10:04:36 PM): what was that for
skullsquisher21 (10:05:14 PM): ?
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:05:28 PM): 
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:05:34 PM): lmao
skullsquisher21 (10:05:36 PM): lolololol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:05:38 PM): i just saw that
skullsquisher21 (10:05:40 PM): whered u find that
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:05:44 PM): uncyclopedia
skullsquisher21 (10:05:48 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:06:03 PM): h/o one other if i can find it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:07:45 PM): 
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:08:02 PM): lik 7 pics
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:08:04 PM): all great
skullsquisher21 (10:08:35 PM): lolol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:08:43 PM): my faves
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:08:58 PM): esp o rly and brmingham niggers
skullsquisher21 (10:09:24 PM): lolol
skullsquisher21 (10:09:33 PM): dude
skullsquisher21 (10:09:38 PM): we are writing a book
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:09:45 PM): yeaa
skullsquisher21 (10:09:50 PM): im not even joking
skullsquisher21 (10:09:55 PM): i want to writea book now
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:10:00 PM): man i will start after my english is done lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:10:03 PM): no joke
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:10:16 PM): because i wont finish that until like tomorrow night
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:10:27 PM): and i cant do it tomorrow cause of band practice
skullsquisher21 (10:10:57 PM): yea werd i have to do my english too
skullsquisher21 (10:11:00 PM): im gonna do it tomorrow
skullsquisher21 (10:11:04 PM): in the morning
skullsquisher21 (10:11:10 PM): then my math
skullsquisher21 (10:11:15 PM): then study for panzer
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:11:17 PM): math sux
skullsquisher21 (10:11:24 PM): and then after lunch ill write about it
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:11:25 PM): im not studying cause im dumb like that
skullsquisher21 (10:11:37 PM): ok
skullsquisher21 (10:11:42 PM): im gonna do some of my english
skullsquisher21 (10:11:43 PM): then go to bed
skullsquisher21 (10:11:45 PM): bye
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:11:48 PM): kk
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:11:50 PM): cya
skullsquisher21 (10:11:55 PM): oo wait
skullsquisher21 (10:11:58 PM): lemme save our convo
skullsquisher21 (10:11:59 PM): lol
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:12:02 PM): haha yea
skullsquisher21 (10:12:35 PM): iight
skullsquisher21 (10:12:36 PM): cya
sAiNtJiMmY9235 (10:12:43 PM): k cya
skullsquisher21 direct connection is closed (10:13:02 PM).
skullsquisher21 signed off at 10:13:35 PM.